Our generous Kickstarter backers contributed $490 to our book bank fund, enabling us to provide free books and expand access to readers everywhere.

Fill out the form below if you’d like to order a Quilted Press book. We will fulfill requests on a first-come, first-served basis until the book bank funds run out.

Stellar Nursery follows trans/nonbinary writer and artist K.G. Strayer’s struggle for bodily autonomy. From abortion to top surgery, colliding galaxies to cellular division, Strayer’s lyric prose explores what it means to move through the modern world in a contentious body. Learn more.

In a series of genre-blending essays, Entwined tells the story of Alex Alberto’s decade-long polyamorous journey towards a new kind of family. Learn more.

Important Update

We have reached the maximum number of orders we could process with our book bank fund. We are thrilled to have distributed $490 in free books and shipping to folks in the United States and internationally!

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